
Adult Ministries

We believe that maximum life transformation takes place best in a community. That's why here at First Church our Adult Ministries aim to help make a big church small.

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Who: Anyone who is new to the faith, or simply exploring Christianity.

What: Starting Point is a ten-week conversational environment where people can EXPLORE FAITH and EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY.

Where: Room 111

When: Fall 2018

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Anyone looking to become part of a small group.

GroupLink is a middle step program we hold twice a year to help make it easier for you to make the leap from attending the main service on Sunday morning to the small group.

Church Lobby

September 19

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First Church Academy is a discussional environment that runs from fall through spring, on Sundays and is aimed to help equip you with...

  • Greater knowledge of the Bible
  • Answers to tough theological questions
  • The tools to grow personally
  • A clear direction on how God's uniquely shaped you to serve
There are four sessions:
  • Old Testament Survery (August - October)
  • New Testament Survery (November - December)
  • Systematic Theology (January - February)
  • Personal Leadership (March - April)

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Anyone who wants to become a member of First Church of God.

Membership class is a class that covers important aspects that unite us as a people of God. We will examine what we believe as we explore His Story in the first week followed by how we as a church are uniquely called to join His Story in the second week.

Room 113 (Conference Room)

November | 6 - 7:30 p.m.

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The Women's Ministry at First Church exists to support women no matter where they are in their journey. We are all at different stages of life, different walks of life and different places in our understanding of God and His Word. The Women's ministry brings all of us together in various environments to learn from each other, challenge one another and grow together in our faith. Hopefully you can plug into one of the areas of ministry and grow with us.


Various groups meet throughout the week to study God's Word together. While most of these studies kick off in the fall, many are open to new people joining them whenever it works best for your calendar. If you are interested in joining a Bible Study, contact


Our IF table ministry kicks off in August of each year. This is an perfect entryway into our women's ministry. Each fall, women are assigned to groups of 6-8 that meet once a month for a meal together and to get to know each other. As relationships are formed, these IF:Table groups become a place of support and encouragement throughout the year.


Our ministry to young moms was designed with an understanding that this stage of life creates a new set of joys, but also a new set of challenges. These groups allow moms to set aside time for adult conversation, mentoring and intentional spiritual focus at a stage when these things are hard to come by.


Our women's ministry also creates various social events throughout the year to allow women to connect on a social level. This may include meals together, special nights out or even our annual retreat.

Phone: 260.244.5959